September’s Awakening
I had the thought the other day that for most of my life I’ve had a feeling of desperation about life and the need to stay ahead of the game of life; a need to control the outcome… Running for life as it were, and needing to have control over things that would have been so much easier to release to the Universal Goodness, to God and to the Holy Spirit through prayer and meditation… And blessing whatever was going on. Instead, I stressed and struggled and have lived a life of quiet desperation, as Henry David Thoreau so brilliantly…
I Finally Found My Wings
There was a time when I thought that I had to do it all by myself… Until I found within myself the need to learn to trust my source… Trusting God, the Universe, or whatever the connection is that tethers me to that which is greater than I am, is always present wherever I am and makes life easier. Magic started to show up more often in my life, and when the pain of my preconceived ideas and the reality of life hit me when I least expected it is when I truly learned how amazing it is to ask…
A Malleable Reality
mal•le•a•ble (ˈmæl i ə bəl) adj. 1.manageable, adaptable, compliant, impressionable, pliable, tractable, biddable, governable, like putty in your hands 2.workable, soft, plastic, tensile, ductile What if reality, as we know it, is malleable? What does malleable mean? Can we transform our reality into something that we absolutely love? Is it possible that our thoughts and words can mold our reality in such a way that life becomes miraculous? And if my reality IS MALLEABLE, how do I use this to change my daily life? Just as clay is malleable… You are the artist that creates the beautiful sculpture and in my life I have opted for a life that necessarily expands as…
Today I Light a Candle
March 12th 2012 was the day my Mom released her physical body and joined the vibration of our ancestors in a plane of existence where she was no longer feeling her painful body. Though I miss her terribly, I am continuously grateful that she chose to no longer suffer. So, today is the 13th anniversary of my mom’s resurrection. I no longer choose to see her death as a painful event because I know that death is a reunification with our Source. For all of us who miss a Soul that had chosen to release their painful body or decided…