Standing on the green edge of becoming…is the point from which unlimited possibility is not only possible, but the only choice; this is the jumping point to where all creation exists and I can engineer and design my dreamed life. This is the point where changing the story begins; this is the beginning of my journey into my dreamed life.
It reminds me of the time when I went up to the top of a mountain to jump down a zip line and as I was standing at the very edge of the cliff fully harnessed and ready to jump; I froze! The people around me were trying to convince me that I was safe because I was fully harnessed, but I couldn’t find the strength to take the leap of faith and jump. It didn’t seem safe to jump, I was terrified looking down the Clift and holding on for dear life. The safety guy kept saying that the only way down the mountain was on the zip line and that I wouldn’t be allowed to walk down, at some point I found the strength within me to trust the process and was finally able to close my eyes and jump, it was the fastest way down the mountain, it took us almost an hour to reach the top and what seemed like a minute to zip down, this was my first time ever jumping down on a Zip line. Standing on the green edge of becoming feels the same way to me, except now I am more empowered, more experienced, and I know I can trust that I won’t be hurt.
Now once I jump, I know that God will catch me and remind me to use my wings and if I have to go up the mountain again and find a new harness and a new dream I will be able to do so without much effort, this time it is different!
This time I feel empowered to step into the abyss and live my life by design and to follow my vision, the teacher, the writer and the financially successful woman that has an incredible story to share and one which can help empower other women to follow their dreams and to help them design their own story and follow their own dreams. This is not just now happening, this is my life by design and what I have been visioning and working towards all of my life.
Writing the book, up to now, has seemed like a dream that was sketched on someone else’s canvas and now it is mine to paint, mine to create and edit just the way that was always meant to be.
Coming to America was not my dream, but traveling was and trusting my parents when they offered me a trip to the United States to study for six months and learn English was the beginning of a wonderful life and the one I am living today and the green edge of becoming is now the reality of a life well lived and the most wonderful likely next step.
As I write this I can now begin to visualize my new book and see myself book signing at a bookstore, but this time instead of me standing in line waiting for the author to sign their book for me, it is me who has a line of people waiting for my signature, this is now a reality as it is having my Oprah interview on Super Soul Sunday.
I just realized that my middle name is Violet and I have been a shrinking violet most of my life, this is no more, from now on, I will do what needs to be done to realize my dreams and to see myself at the top of the mountain of my own life.
Thank you God for guiding me to be more of me and for always opening doors to wanting more and for opening the door to this wonderful philosophy where I found refuge and where I could find a way to grow. It seems at times like going up the mountain is such a difficult thing, but never climbing is accepting mediocrity in my own life and I know that God didn’t send me here to just barely live; I know that God send me here to be fully alive and to reach for the stars and that is what I fully intend to do.
I am ready to be the architect of my own destiny and it starts with the trust and the conviction that God is guiding my steps to becoming more of who I am and letting loose the soul/creator that is waiting to open the door to creative abundance for myself and others, this is the next step.
Loving life and loving the essence of who I am!
I am tired of living my life out of fear or from a fear based decision making frame of mind; as I now choose to be the architect of my own destiny I know is that it starts with the conviction that it is God guiding my steps to becoming more of who I am meant to become and letting loose the creator residing within.
What if, when I release what no longer serves the evolution of my soul I open the door to a flood gate of abundance and the realization of my dreamed life? What if, everything that I have asked for is now presented on a silver platter and everything comes to me with ease and grace? What if what is holding everything back and my chaotic life is my own need to keep control? What if trusting God’s vision for my life is greater than what I could have ever envision for myself?
Letting go has within the seed of redemption and a new beginning, but am I ready to do the work that is required for my growth? Am I ready to trust and let God?
On the Edge of becoming…. I am!