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Embracing Who I Am as a Spirit in Human Form

Embracing Who I Am as a Spirit in Human Form

I am, in physical form, a human body. I am a woman, a wife, a child, a daughter, a friend, and a sister and so much more. I am all of these; yet beyond all of these, I am spirit – a spirit alive in human form, existing beyond all the boundaries of humanity and physicality. I am what Jesus Christ called an eternal being; a child of God. When I focus on this truth—on being an infinite being—my life becomes lighter and easier. All that I need comes to me effortlessly, and what I don’t need naturally falls away.

I choose to live a life of meaning, to see meaning in my life. I enjoy living in the constant awareness of my true self, experiencing consciousness beyond the limits of my body. I am connecting deeply with my soul and the Divine Source, allowing my spirit’s light to shine as a reflection of that Source in everything that life becomes. I move beyond labels, simply embracing the deep essence of being—the miracle we speak of so often. When I release the perception that I am merely a limited human body, I step into the limitless possibilities of what is truly available to me.

When I live in the embrace of limitless possibilities I’m aware of the Universe as my oyster. Joy is my grace and the means by which I engage the experience beyond limits. My ability to create miracles, for myself and for others, exists within the space of grace and gratitude. This is my ultimate completion, a new understanding of myself beyond anything I have ever known or seen.

My life is always expanding, always unfolding in perfect Divine order. I recognize the perfection of God here and now, and for this, I am deeply grateful. I am grateful for the path my life has taken, for my home, my physical body, and for every opportunity to walk, talk, and share who I am. I am grateful for all the infinite possibilities the Universe offers. What I am most grateful for is the contrast that I am here to enjoy; the many colors of Life that come together and nourish my experience.

Gratitude is the key to this reality. It brings me into awareness of who I am and helps me expand beyond my physical form—through my thoughts, actions, and prayers. I believe healing is possible for every one of us, and this is where I place my focus.

I concentrate on recognizing the absolute health of my own body—releasing the concentration of pain from my bones, heart, and all the other forms of suffering that I once believed belonged to me and were the representation of who I believed myself to be. I am committed to letting go of the idea that pain is a part of my life. I accept my humanity, my so-called imperfections, knowing that perfection is a journey of recognition, growth and discovery. Each experience brings me deeper into the understanding of what it means to be limitless. Stepping into a part of me that is always vibrant and open, and preparing to dive deeper into the energy of who I truly am. I release with gratitude what no longer serves my personal growth and embrace my full essence, whatever that may be. I trust that whatever I seek will present itself with ease, joy, and in the full exalted glory of being.

I affirm my love for my life. I love that I am here, that all is well today, and that even as I arrive at the Toyota Center for car repairs, I am living my perfect life.
This is my perfect life…NOW… and so it is!

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