Category : Love

Feliz Navidad 2023!!!

Merry Christmas!
From us, with Love!

I remember growing up in El Salvador. Where I lived, Holy week was one of reverence for Jesus and the painful process that he demonstrated in his life. Grandma insisted that we slow down to respect and appreciate that He had suffered to pay for and redeem us from our sins.  Christmas, on the other hand, was a time of celebration and rejoicing that Jesus was being born in the manger, and that Christ, The Savior was born. Funny enough, I don’t remember the emphasis being so commercial;  buy, buy, buy – as much as it is now. 

I remember all the Nativity sets in the neighborhood. We didn’t go out to look at the Christmas lights, we went out to find the best Nativity sets that families had set up in their yards and windows.  

However you choose to show your holiday spirit, may it bring the joy of family, and be a bountiful expression filled with the  fullness of celebration, with delicious foods and, with plenty of laughter and camaraderie.  We join you and look forward to a new year filled with abundant blessings, fabulous accomplishments and a celebrated life that is worth living. Whatever we have in mind will unfold perfectly in 2024! 

May this be a season of plentiful blessings, dazzling peace and a miraculous unfolding. May we remember that we are one human family, and that we are all  interconnected in such amazing ways… Let’s hold in our hearts the splendor of a  world at peace. Let’s rest in the knowledge that love is the only reality and that whatever unfolds is only a projection of our thoughts!

Let us set lofty targets, the ones that stretch our awareness and allow a new world consciousness to unfold – and just for fun… let us, in our mind’s eye, see this magnificent Blue pearl floating in Space that we all call home as the heaven that we dream it to be. Let’s hold the vision of our world at peace and our children safe and well cared for; a new wave of love suffusing every nook and cranny of every home filled with abundance.

Let us create in our minds the world reality we would wish to create and emanate love as the answer to all of our prayers.  Design a heaven that includes everyone everywhere and commit to having a New Year of peace in our world.  It is possible!!!  

May this be your time of unfolding magically and be smitten with the joy and magic of the season and rejoice in the peace of our planet.  Allow the infinitude of this moment to lift the veil of uncertainty and know deeply that Love is the answer.

May this be a holy time of a new awareness in the energy of plenty, the energy of Christmas and be In joy in the present moment.  Create from the space of plenty a time and space that is rigged with an abundance of deep affection for our human family.

From our hearts and hearth to yours we wish you a Happy and Blessed Holiday Season, and may this Christmas bring you the gifts of peace and happiness and an abundant New Year.

September’s Awakening

I had the thought the other day that for most of my life I’ve had a feeling of desperation about life and the need to stay ahead of the game of life; a need to control the outcome… Running for life as it were, and needing to have control over things that would have been so much easier to release to the Universal Goodness, to God and to the Holy Spirit through prayer and meditation… And blessing whatever was going on. Instead, I stressed and struggled and have lived a life of quiet desperation, as Henry David Thoreau so brilliantly reminded us in his writing.

So what now?

How does one allow life to unfold marvelously and intentionally without stressing over everything?

I was called to serve… After answering the call to facilitate A Course in Miracles now for the 3rd month I have realized how much I have grown spiritually, and how I’ve been able to center my thinking on the idea of oneness. After years of studying the Course of Miracles and facilitating classes, now I can see that what the course is teaching is a return to wholeness or as A Course in Miracles reminds us a return to right mindedness. A reminder that I don’t have to control the outcome. It is as simple as showing up and allowing the energy to guide me while in class. No longer do I have to have an opinion or a need to control, it is as simple as showing up open and receptive to the energy of the group.

Life seems to have stopped being a struggle and has become an extraordinary learning process and the energy of more in a balanced way. When I say balance, I am talking mostly about trusting that the Universe really has my back and that no matter what is going on in the exterior, the real me, the infinite part of me is always safe, abundant and joyful. I am not stuck, I don’t need to continue to command everything in life, now, life seems to be more effortless and joyful.

I have always had a natural inclination toward plants and a love for flowers. I feel most at ease while walking in nature and tending my garden. This has become my walking daily meditation. I seem to have a “green thumb” and I love to see my garden filled with flowers. I have a natural ability to choose plants and harmonize planted pots, plants love the way I take care of them and multiply with ease. Even now as I write about it my energy changed to the experience of tending my garden! What a joy it is to wake up in the morning and walk in the garden to see the flowers that bloomed that day; especially the ones that only flower at night and last only till morning. It is such a joy to discover new plants that I have not seen before. It reminds me of the beauty of being alive to experience the joy of walking, the joy of getting my toes wet in the sand when we walk at the beach, loving the sun and the wind on my skin. When I am gardening…. When I am walking on the beach, there is nothing else in the world, just my communion with nature and the ease of life at the moment. What can I create when I allow myself to enter into the knowingness that Godliness is so much more than the idea of a mundane life?

Living in the idea that my life is a metaphor for change and creativity and that I’ve lived trapped in the solidified beliefs that were implanted in my being-ness by society and by my parents way too long; not that any of that is wrong, but that it is time for me to allow a new idea of creation that is all mine. So, for the next part of my evolution as I grow in consciousness is a billion pieces of the puzzle of unveiling what more is possible?

Listening to the words of the Master: Know ye not that ye are Gods?


Accepting what Jesus taught (John 14:12) “that greater works than these will ye do” and now look at the sky scrapers and the magnificent Golden Gate Bridge and see that we concentrated in the miraculousness of expression in the material realm and that we have also found cures for many maladies of the human condition.

Isn’t it time now to birth a new idea of unlimited abundance and a deep connection with the Divine?

Is this the reality that is waiting to be revealed? And what does that mean?

Isn’t it time to bridge the gap between the ethereal and the material? And how do we begin????

We begin with the end in mind and with the energy we would love to create in our own reality, what is the miraculousness of my life that I am not currently seeing?

So what is heaven? Isn’t heaven an idea of living in an overwhelming attitude of appreciation and gratitude? A Course in Miracles says that “creating is how we increase the kingdom and give thanks to God for our own creation”.

If gratitude is the attitude and we are creating in unison with God then we already are living in a self created heaven because heaven is the living condition of gratitude that resides within us, and in how we live our lives.

Are you a giver or a taker? Because taking is the attitude of lack and giving opens the door to limitless abundance! What are you choosing?

So you see, for me, adopting the idea that to live in gratitude opens me to receiving the gifts the universe has stored for me and that my prayers are always answered, allows me to be open to receive!

Meandering through my story may help you understand my absolute knowing that my life is always unfolding in Divine perfection and my new mantra that All of Life Comes to me with Ease, and Joy and Glory. That when I begin to suffer and control my only question is what is right about this that I am not seeing? How can I create with ease and joy?

So I was going to say… the end, here, but really for me this is just the beginning and so I am ending with my beginnings!

Living in complete allowance to the infinite possibilities that have been offered to me in this lifetime without reservations and trusting that the part of me that is always connected to the matrix of life and to the Divine is taking me by the hand and guiding my every step towards the understanding that I am already awake and that I step into life filled with complete confidence and without reservations… That is the life that I am welcoming, that makes my life worth living!

I grew up with fear… I was taught to fear everything… releasing the fear opens infinite possibilities and the energy of having arrived. Knowing that there’s nothing more to do than to follow my joy and embrace my Godliness, because it is there, it is palpable. It is as real as breathing… Nothing to buy nor to do… just be in the energy of… godliness!!!!

I love what Maya Angelo said… that you do what you know how to do and when you know better you do better! Do we know better now? It is time to awaken to the reality of our God-liness!!! What else is possible when we open our mind to the energy of more?

August Harvest

Would you let this month be the most magical harvest in your life?

Did you know that August is known as the month of harvest?

In this magnificent month of harvest what are the things that you are harvesting in your life?

Are you ready to take a step into your dreams and engage in the blessings that your creative genius is rearing to bring to the world?

For me the most important everyday choice that I can make is to tune into the magic within me; a magic that is so ready to jump into existence and transform my life with ease. That is what it means to live a magical life! Allowing magic to show up in my life is letting my life be easy. It is following my intuition as the guiding light as I listen to the deeper knowing; something that sometimes I tune out.

Why this month? Why not do it all the time? Well, this month acts as my reminder that as I start a new month I have a brand new opportunity to create anew, and to choose again.

The act of choosing is so important because it is the beginning of creation, and as I follow the energy that builds worlds, I can also create magic for myself and others. I don’t do this by interfering in someone else’s creation, but by living in the generative energy of limitless possibility… Living in the possibility of freedom and abundance; living in the expansive energy of allowing for God’s blessings to be the norm, instead of living in the poverty of limiting thoughts. Choosing is also my way of becoming more aware of the ways in which I have been distracting myself from the magic. An energy that I can welcome into my life instead of wallowing in my thoughts of illness and scarcity. What the last few months have shown me is that it is all in the realm of my choice. Aligning with a higher intention for what I would like to create for this month can help bring about the possibility of more abundance and more creativity, things that are limited when I avoid choosing or recognizing that whatever is going on in life at the time is the reality in my life, and when I know that I can change it by tuning into a different reality. I know that I have the tools that can open the portal to a magical month and a magical mindset, and that it is my choice. How can it get any better than that?

Since April, when I was feeling that my energy was really low, I started asking my body to show me how to heal what was making it sick. The discovery that my questioning led me to was that all of the doctors appointments, and all the fear I was experiencing was rooted in a nutritional deficiency. That was causing me discomfort. Had I decided to listen to the cardiologist who told me that Atrial Fibrillation couldn’t be cured and acquiesced to taking massive doses of drugs to trick my body into surrendering to a condition, I would have missed the truth that with a simple change in diet and some added supplements could handle the issue. It is through listening to my body that I am living my best life.

Is choosing different the easiest way? No!!! Not at first.

Going against established beliefs is not easy – though it may be the only and best way to get to the true freedom of choice. The prospect of taking three different high blood pressure medications is absurd, especially when I can choose to change my diet, exercise and pray for a different outcome. This was my choice… to allow my awareness to guide me so I could have a life experience worth living.

I’m not guaranteeing that it is an easy choice to make. It implies taking charge of your life and making informed decisions. It means doing my own research and following the advice that resonates with my body and taking responsibility for my own body and health.

I’m learning to live in the question of what else is possible for my life? What is right about this that I am not seeing? What is my next step that will bring me to my best life? At every stage the open ended questions are the key to opening the door to the magical me… the whole me. This is my life worth living, this is my magical life. What is yours?

What gets you excited in the morning? What brings you joy? What is your best life?

Would you be open to considering that there may be more money, better health, and more amazing unending adventures for you at every point of your life?

This morning as I was in the kitchen making a cup of hot organic cacao, I had the realization of how fortunate I am. In fact, how amazingly super wealthy I am… No, not because I have millions of dollars in the bank account or because I live an extravagant life, but because I am living my dream life. Do you think that I dreamt that one day I would be living in a relaxed environment with my special person, and with the prospect of a new career doing what I dreamed of for years? Did I ask for the universe to give me a huge house, an expensive car and a large bank account? No!

I prayed for an abundant life. I prayed for life to be easy and I prayed to be guided to my best yet to be life and today I was able to recognize that I am there. I am in deep appreciation of my special refuge from the world, my amazing relationship with an amazing man who loves me and makes me laugh – someone who loves a lot of the same things I do (like eating whole foods, walking, reading and going to church together).

I have been able to finally heal my body in a way that my body is finally comfortable being alive and generating the energy to do and be all that is possible at this time in my life. And it all started with gratitude and prayer. My prayer is a continual conversation with my Beloved and knowing that the energy of God is always with me.

Starting with my intention to choose to live in a generative energy of love and gratitude, allowing the energy to guide me and recognizing that this is really the only way to fulfill my dreams. It is trusting that I am moving in the right direction because of how I feel and following my joy.

How and what are you harvesting in your own life? Are you asking questions that will bring you joy? It is your harvest, one of drama and pain. What are you choosing?

A Malleable Reality

mal•le•a•ble (ˈmæl i ə bəl)


1. manageable, adaptable, compliant, impressionable, pliable, tractable, biddable, governable, like putty in your hands She was young enough to be malleable.

2. workable, soft, plastic, tensile, ductile Silver is the most malleable of all metals.

What if reality, as we know it, is malleable?  What does malleable mean?  Can we transform our reality into something that we absolutely love?  Is it possible that our thoughts and words can mold our reality in such a way that life becomes miraculous?  And if my reality IS MALLEABLE, how do I use this to change my daily life?

Just as clay is malleable…  You are the artist that creates the beautiful sculpture and in my life I have opted for a life that necessarily expands as my understanding expands…  What does that mean?  I decided to travel,  and take classes, to read books, and now with the advent of YouTube and podcasts I continue to watch and listen to new thought teachers to expand my knowledge. I listen to Dr. Mark Hyman on nutrition, to Dr. Dain Heer on consciousness, and to Dr. Reverend James Mellon and Dr. Reverend Michael Bernard Beckwith on Spirituality, all who I have adopted as my teachers.  They are my Michael Angelo in their fields and promote my own growth and understanding.   “Being open at the top ” is one of the options I have decided that works for me in order to continue with my own spiritual growth.  Last week I traveled to Northern California to take a four day class called Foundation by Access Consciousness. The class was held at an enchanting winery that boasted magnificent views of the vineyard and surrounding mountains; so it was an amazing getaway to submerge myself in the opportunity and expand my mind. It was an amazing setting in which to focus and find the small voice inside me that likes discovering new things. This was my third Foundation class so I suppose you could say that I am a slow learner, and I might even have dismissed the class by this time as repetitive.  But the concepts repeatedly expressed and the profundity of the material changed me at the core of my consciousness. This time the class was deeper. It was a quaint class with only five women, but the wonderfully intimate environment just enhanced the experience; for me it was life transforming.  

The most interesting part is how simple it really is to change reality…  Choose differently and be the invitation to a new reality!!!  How simple is that?  

How do we choose differently?  Just ask a question… how can it get better than that?  Ask yourself, “What energy, space and consciousness can I and my body be that will allow my life to be a grand adventure?” or ask“What would create more money, more fun and more joy in my life?”  

It seems simple…  Because IT IS!!!  

I talk to a lot of people who continuously tell me their stories of how broken they are; how lonely they are and they bemoan whatever life transition they’re going through. This is what keeps them attached to their pain, their despair and their confusion. They identify so deeply with their pain that it becomes a literal and important aspect of who they are. They stay in the process of suffering and their demeanor and choices are all about suffering.  I am not saying that you should ignore your pain because pain is showing the way to liberation; what I am saying here is that we have the opportunity to transform pain into a different reality. We can and must choose differently, unless we like to live in the drama of life, in which case you can keep choosing the same reality and continue to live in pain… But WHY?

I learned a long time ago that I am responsible for my life and everything in it, so if I am response-able then I can choose a different reality!  I can choose to live in the freedom of choice and choose to step out of whatever painful situation and instead mold it differently. I can mold it to my advantage, mold it by stepping outside of the situation and see it from a different perspective.  This is where I get to refine the sculpture I call my life.

Change your focus. Remember that what you focus on expands…  Once again, ask a question that would potentially empower you…  How can I change this?

Create a target for yourself. Look towards joy, happiness, and abundance; what would create more of that in your life at this moment?  Ask yourself, “How can I lower my barriers and experience more love in my life?  What do I need to change in my mind and my surroundings that would allow for more peace in my life?”

Build a new daily practice…  This is an empowering way to begin your day… Every morning as you engage with life all over again to begin your day, sit in meditation and prayer. Write three things you are grateful for. Sit and contemplate a new, magnificent day and ask for it to be a grand and glorious adventure for you.  Decide that your life will improve from this moment forward, and that as you lift the veil of sorrow, scarcity and pain a new dimension of joy and abundance will show up with total ease and grace.  Knowing that something else is possible allows for more of life to show up.  

Amplify your inner light. Shine your love to our world. Take charge of your mind and expand your soul’s journey in this dimension at this time.  If you have no understanding of how to do this, find a coach, a minister or take a class. Read a book or find someone who will give you a hand and help you pull yourself out of the hole that you find yourself in. Ask for help and be willing to change.  This is a choice that is always available – to all of us!

Is reality malleable?  Absolutely…  It is all done by choice!  

Helen Keller said that life is either a daring adventure or nothing. I would add that we have to choose what we want in order to create it in our own lives; it is a universal law: the law of choice.  Learning that joy is an inside job gave me the opportunity to choose it, and to stop letting people and events determine my happiness. It is my choice to live in joy or to live in pain. What will you choose today?  As for me, today I choose to live in joy. I choose to allow my creative genius to take over and I step into the joy of writing. I will reach out for the things that will help me create more in my life!  What will you ask for today?  What will you choose today?  Remember life is either a daring adventure of nothing!  I choose to release the illusion of fear and to embrace the pure potentiality of a life well lived, will you join me in creating a grand adventure in your own life?  What else is possible in a Universe where we can choose to commune in nature, close our eyes and just know that there is so much beauty around us and that it is all here for us to delve into the energy of abundance when and as we choose it.  

Free yourself, release the shackles of pain, suffering, lack and death and start living in the joy of expansion, in the abundance of more blessings and more of your inner magnificent light!  And so it is, Amen!

Today I light a candle!

March 12th 2012 was the day my Mom released her physical body and joined the vibration of our ancestors in a plane of existence where she was no longer feeling her painful body. Though I miss her terribly, I am continuously grateful that she chose to no longer suffer. So, today is the 13th anniversary of my mom’s resurrection. I no longer choose to see her death as a painful event because I know that death is a reunification with our Source.

For all of us who miss a Soul that had chosen to release their painful body or decided to transition into the light I would say, rejoice; it was meant to be! Remember that love transcends death and that there is only life. A loved one’s life is to be celebrated instead of the continuous choice to suffer over their valiant decision to release the pain and embrace their own inner light. I’ve come to believe that death is the ultimate transition and a beautiful step into adopting the plentitude of God’s plan for all of us.

In the last couple of years, while we were all living through the pandemic, I chose to take classes. I chose to go deeper into my own understanding of my life choices of the choices of those around me – not in judgment, but with a greater understanding of what it means to live a life of choice. I am totally grateful for all of those amazing beings that have shown me the way of the ultimate life and death choice.

Now, I understand that Life is all about choices, and that consciously or unconsciously we are continually choosing in life. I am totally grateful for all of those amazing beings, like my mom, that have shown me the way and that have courageously chosen to transition into our forgotten next stage of life.

Now, when I think of my mom’s tremendous fight to remain alive through all her physical suffering – because as she said many times before she passed, she didn’t want to leave her children – the thought isn’t filled with sadness or regret. Now, I know that her love is present at every event we hold as family and her loving energy is always blessing us, her family.

Life is about choosing. Whether it is to stay alive or to accept the blessing of transitioning into the energy of love. As I was standing over her coffin and looking at my mother’s body so many years ago, I was able to perceive the loving energy between her now deceased body and our family surrounding her and honoring her life. So, today I take a deep breath in gratitude for the woman that gave me life and taught me to be the woman that I’ve become.

Thank you MOM. I stand in awe of your love and that of all of those souls that were here before us and opened the doors for us to follow. I choose to live in grateful recognition of your life and legacy.

In love and gratitude, your loving daughter!

Do I really be in a relationship to be whole?

Do we really need to be joined to another in order to be whole?

Do we need to dance with another in order to revel in the symphony of life?

Or, perhaps this dancing through life is the most exhilarating adventure of the whole of oneness, always in the knowledge that one equals the all-ness of God? So, do we embrace our oneness and choose joy in everyday occurrences, or do we continuously yearn to be in union with another – and by doing so thus bypass our own inner strength and power? Standing with another is a blessing and one that I am personally grateful for, but it does not replace my own individuality and independence or my enjoyment of life.

Standing on the shore if you have never seen the ocean before, you are enthralled by its beauty and so it is that when you choose to see how amazingly beautiful you are and understand that you are whole, perfect and complete as the one, you come to realize that minimizing Yourself is no longer a part of your path. Though it may take years of continuous learning to release the solidified ideas of who you thought you were, you will come to the understanding that you and the father are one and that this is the most important connection that you will ever need to create the life of your dreams. Seeing the power of the one and releasing the idea that in order to be whole you need an entourage is true power. I and my Father are one!!!

So…. What’s open for one? The infinitude of universal bliss? The limitless abundance of Universal power? The undeniably certitude that God heals and protects and that I am totally and completely loved and healed by the Universal blessing?

I am loved and protected in every aspect of my being and I know that it is all temporary and healing has already been done and the blessings are always pouring into my physical, spiritual and mental vessel!

I know that the idea of death implies a splendid Resurrección and that it is all included on my ticket – provided before I arrived, and so the fear of what’s next is dissolved, destroyed and uncreated because in my heart of hearts I know that it is all God and that God is Love!

How do we return to the one? Who is the one anyways? What is the essence of the one? Is it possible to love another while being totally disconnected from the one?

Am I speaking about the oneness of God here? Am I talking about forces outside of oneself? What does it mean to love The One?

Returning to the Oneness of our connection to the Divine can only be accomplished when we love ourselves. The One that I am talking about here is you, and me and loving the essence of ourselves. Even when we abhor something we did, or some action we took, being able to look into the mirror and love the reflection is step one. Moving in the direction of loving ourselves has to be the first step to loving our father as he loves us. Loving and accepting our idiosyncrasies and learning to forgive precedes every other step… How then, do we commence the process of returning to the ONE?

Perhaps the steps ahead are so individual that making a list or giving advice is not appropriate here, but when we begin with the idea that loving ourselves and being grateful for who and what we are is the beginning of a joyful and prosperous life, and that when we are not loving ourselves we can’t really love anyone else, we can see how imperative it is to look to ourselves as the Miracle that we are. Love begins with self-care. Love begins with allowance of our foibles and all the things that we hate about ourselves. How will self-love begin for you?

For me, the beginning of self love begins with the recognition that I am more than a physical body and that I am required to love and kindly care for my physical self in order to care and love another. For me, it started with doing the things that brought joy into my life and releasing all of the ideas that I needed to accumulate stuff in order to be happy. In fact, I started decluttering my house, my closets and stuff in my life that, while looking back, seemed so important – until they weren’t. Material possessions are just that material, and the accumulation of it was not making me happy. It was when I started decluttering that my life opened up and the people that needed to be in my life started to show up. For me, it was like opening a window to my soul… It wasn’t about money, trinkets or any of the stuff that society seems to have such a strong belief in accumulating, it was decluttering the house, the closets and all the ideas and beliefs that were not even mine.

I started to really look at what made me happy; reading a book, writing, walking in nature, meditating and my spiritual practice that opened the window to the most amazing and rewarding life that I am now living. Am I ultra-wealthy absolutely… It started with the recognition that money is not happiness, abundance is. Abundance, in my opinion, has nothing to do with money. Abundance has to do with joy and enjoyment of life. When I started to find happiness in my life it was as if magic started to show up and life became easier. It was a natural, easy and kind process. When I started saying “yes” to the part of me who loved to write, loved walking in nature and loved just having a conversation just for the joy that – life changed.

What will it take for you to love yourself so much that your life transforms into the life of your dreams? What will it take for you to be who you truly are? What will it take for your life to unfold magnificently? Perhaps just the recognition of your true nature, the recognition of your majestic heritage.

Whatever that may be, may this Valentine’s Day be the most glorious day of your entire life!